GODAC Open House, Kube Techno Festa 2014 on Sunday

Hands-on demonstration of controlling GODAC’s compact camera robot is on of the highlights of the open house.

Japan’s Global Oceanographic Data Center (GODAC) is again opening its doors to the public with an Open House on Sunday in Toyohara, Nago City.

Various games are also organized to entertain young visitors.

The Open House runs from 10 a.m. ~ 5 p.m. at the Global Oceanographic Data Center, or GODAC in short. The center opens their facility to the public in order to promote understanding of the most advanced marine science and technology and of GODAC activity.  During the day, GODAC is scheduled to have many experience learning programs, such as a workshop of controlling NIRAIKANAI 150, a compact size camera robot that is able to dive 150 meters deep in the ocean, and a track chart making.

In addition, there are sea creatures that visitors can touch and feel, including sea creatures like starfish and sea cucumber but also deep-sea organism samples provided by the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium.

In short, officials at the Global Oceanographic Data Center promise it will be an event children and adults are sure to enjoy.

According to GODAC web site, “the Global Oceanographic Data Center was established by Nago City to attract information-related companies to the northern districts of Okinawa, and to create employment opportunities and promote multimedia human resources development. GODAC, Nago City, Okinawa, Japan, is managed by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), on commission from its municipal owner of the same name in 2001. GODAC maintains and provides digital archives, various images and other documents about deep-sea. The public facilities are available to foster better understanding of marine science and technology.”

In the same area, Kube Techno Festa 2014 will take place concurrently with GODAC Fair. During this event IT and finance related companies and many other organizations and schools in the Kube district run various workshops for local people to inform them about what they do.  The Techno Festa runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at each facility.

11:17 27 Jul , 2024