GODAC to take kids beneath the sea

Kids can actually try their hand in steering GODAC’s underwater robot in a pool at GODAC facility.

The International Oceanographic Data Center is set to give youngsters a new perspective of the world from beneath the sea.

There are two kinds of events, which are driving experience of small size ROV, a camera robot craft that investigates the world of the deep sea, and making original cards of deep sea creatures they imagine.  The classes are slated for this Sunday and next at the GODAC, Japan’s Global Oceanographic Data Center in Toyohara, Nago City.  Four classes will be offered this Sunday at 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. Each class will accommodate 15 student participants.  On Sunday the 29th, there will be two additional classes at 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.  Participation is free, and no advance reservations are required.  Those wanting to participate can sign up a half-hour before each class.

GODAC specialists will explain about the ROV driving experiences, and teach participants about the robot craft ROV.  They’ll have an opportunity to drive a small type ROV called Nirai-kanai 150.  GODAC has two of these Nirai-kanai 150 units for the classes, which can dive to depths of 150 meters.

The other class, an original card making class, will be presented in two classes only on March 29th, at 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. In this class, participants learn about deep sea creatures, including how they live in the deep sea and their unique evolution, and then the student participant creates their own deep sea creatures on the cards.  After the class individuals take the cards home with them. This class is free too. The first 24 people to sign up can take a class, with no need for advance reservations.  Individuals can sign up a half-hour before each class begins.

11:11 14 Feb , 2025