Still time to head to strawberry farms on Okinawa

By David Higgins

The farm hands you a basket and scissors, and you have 20 minutes to pick and eat all the strawberries you are able to stuff inside you.

If you’re not already a fan of strawberries, you should be. Not only are they juicy, summery and delicious, they’re a bona fide super food, too. Nutrient-rich and packed with antioxidants (like vitamin C), strawberries offer a wide range of health benefits, some of which may surprise you. Did you know that bodies of most mammals have the ability to produce vitamin C naturally except humans, which is why it’s so important to get your daily requirement.

The variety cultivated on Okinawa is very sweet and absolutely delicious.

You can easily go to any super market and pick up a pack of strawberries but what’s fun about that. Head to a strawberry farm in Okinawa and go nuts instead.

Strawberries on Okinawa are incredibly delicious and there are a lot of farms you can visit with your kids and have an all you can eat and pick fest. One great Farm is called the Blue Sky & Green Field Farm, located in the northern part of the island and this strawberry farm lets you pick your own.

The Farm charges ¥1,300 for each adult and ¥800 for each child (and ¥500 for the smallest kids) to pick and eat for 20 minutes. I have fond memories of my childhood being brought to strawberry farms and being able to gorge myself with a fruit that is usually not affordable most of the year. The strawberry season on Okinawa continues until the end of April.

The farm hands you a basket and scissors and expects you to eat all the berries you can within that time frame. Unfortunately you can’t take home what you can’t eat because then you would definitely clean them out although they do have small containers for sale for ¥350.

If you are super lazy but still want awesome fresh strawberries from the farm you can request one of the staff to head out into the fields to pick you the best strawberries and within 10 minutes you will be blessed with fresh strawberries.

Not only does the strawberry farm have the strawberries but they also have every other kind of vegetable under the sun. Getting to the farm it’s a bit of journey for the sole purpose of strawberries so there might be some other expedition up north such as the Coffee Farm or the Pineapple farm to combine for the trip.

Even if you are not a big fan of strawberries go and pick some in the sun for the sake of your health. Strawberries help fight cancer. Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants that can help with cancer prevention, since a healthy immune system is the body’s best defense. So if not for the taste head up there for your health. And if health is not one of your main priorities but partying and drinks are, no one ever complained when they were served a strawberry margarita made with fresh strawberries, especially strawberries from Okinawa.

11:20 27 Jul , 2024