Lester Middle School scores big in science competition

Lester Middle School eighth-grade student Chris Elliott’s essay “Reducing Heat-Related Illnesses” has earned runner-up national honors for the junior division in the 2015 DuPont Challenge Science Essay Competition.

In addition to Elliott’s second-place finish, three other Lester Middle School eighth-grade students earned honorable mention awards for their essays: Kristina Cala for “Testing Food for Allergens,” Arron Chavez for “Wearable Mini-Maps Worn On The Wrist,” and Brian Lawler for “Chemical Packets and Fire Prevention.”

This is the first time in the nearly thirty-year history of DuPont’s science essay competition that a Department of Defense Education Activity student has finished at such a high level. Equally impressive, this is the first time four students from the same school and sponsored by the same teacher have been recognized as award winners in the national competition.

  • ewacloser

    Good for them. Hope they will continue their efforts.

10:09 27 Jul , 2024