Ocean conservation is more important than ever
By E. Heinrich-Sanchez
Our world oceans have a chance to recover resilience if we allow it. Every part of the ocean needs our protection. Present development plans on Okinawa, which include landfill on precious habitats need to be re-considered. June 8th is World Ocean’s Day.
Since 1993, Okinawa International Clean Beach Club (OICBC) members have coordinated the Ryukyu International Coastal Cleanup as part of the year round I Love Okinawa Campaign®. It includes the upcoming “All Okinawa “MARUGOTO” Beach Cleanup from June to July, led by the Okinawa Clean Coast Network (OCCN) co-founded by OICBC members, Okinawa O.C.E.A.N. and the 11th Div. HQ of the Japan Coast Guard. U.S. military units are welcome to join the effort!
“Our Okinawa Ocean” and “Our Oceans” around the world are at a critical stage. Existing coral reefs are in danger, including important habitats that need our protection. Join a cleanup, check your consumer habits, leave only footprints or bubbles, join or organize a beach or underwater cleanup. PADI’s Project A.W.A.R.E. is the underwater partner. Check with your local Scuba Locker or Tsunami Gear for details and up-coming cleanups.
Bi-lingual data cards will be available on-line.
On May 19th, Ocean Conservancy released data from the (2014) 29th annual International Coastal Cleanup®. Volunteers from 91 countries gathered detailed information from their Cleanups to provide a snapshot of the most persistent forms of trash found along the beaches and waterways that’s impacting our ocean. The Cleanup is one part of Ocean Conservancy’s overall strategy for Trash Free Seas® which now also includes a concerted push for solutions to stop trash at its source through improved waste collection before it even hits the beach.
The report is at http://www.oceanconservancy.org/our-work/international-coastal-cleanup/2015-ocean-trash-index.html
Join us for the next Ryukyu International Coastal Cleanup on Saturday September 19th for under/water and beach cleanups at Cape Maeda, Onna Village. Prior registration is required. Organize your own with a minimum of two volunteers go to http://www.signuptocleanup.org
It will take a collective movement to make the biggest difference. We need more volunteers than ever to join our movement to make the biggest difference.
To participate, please e-mail edo@okinawaocean.org