Jazz in Nanjo 2015 invites fans of jazz

Hidefumi Kamura Trio will accompany Sumiko Yoseyama on stage.

Hidefumi Kamura Trio will accompany Sumiko Yoseyama on stage.

Jazz in Nanjo, one of the biggest jazz events on Okinawa, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.

Organizers of the event invite popular jazz musicians from in and outside of the prefecture to perform in the popular event. This year’s list of special guests include a special unit band, ‘VOICEQUN’ whose members include Seiichi Yamamura, one of the top of steel drum players in Japan and Kotaro Oshio, a Japanese acoustic guitarist who is known for his unique technique of percussive and guitar arrangements.

Sumiko Yoseyama has sung jazz tunes for more than 50 years.

Sumiko Yoseyama has sung jazz tunes for more than 50 years.

Among performers from the island is Sumiko Yoseyama who is one of the most respected jazz singers in Okinawa with over 50 years of performance to her credit. She will be on stage with Hidefumi Kamura Trio.

The festival will feature food and beverage stalls for the audience to enjoy a night of jazz with a few drinks and snacks to eat by the outdoor stage.

The 2015 Jazz in Nanjo concert takes place this Sunday starting at 3:30 p.m. while welcoming live sounds by eRiSa sooth in the background. The concert itself begins an hour later at 4 p.m. with Sachito Higa. Nanbu Mango Parties and TROPICALISM follow. Special guests VOICEQUN, consisting of Seiichi Yamamura and Kotaro Oshio take the stage at 6:10 p.m. before Sumiko Yoseyama with Hidefumi Kamura Trio (Hidefumi Kamura (p)/Isao Nishikawa (b)/Akihiro Sunagawa (dr)) start the last performance of the day at 7 p.m.

The venue is the open space at the Nanjo City Cultural Center Sugar Hall at 307, Aza Sashiki, Sashiki, Nanjo City (at https://goo.gl/maps/c9rC3)

Advance ticket are ¥3,000 for adults, ¥1,000 for high school students and ¥500 for elementary and junior high school students. Tickets at the venue cost an additional ¥500. Advance tickets are sold at the 8th floor of Ryubo Department Store in Naha, Fukuhara Instrument Store in Okinawa City and Sugar Hall. Advance tickets reservations can be made by calling 098-947-1100 (adult tickets only)


• 15:35~ welcome live (eRiSa)
• 16:00~ Sachito Higa
• 16:30~ Nanbu Mango Parties
• 17:20~ TROPICALISM with haco
• 18:10~ VOICEQUN (Seiichi Yamamura (steel dr), Kotaro Oshio (g) ) special guests
• 19:00~ Sumiko Yoseyama with Hidefumi Kamura Trio (Hidefumi Kamura, Isao Nishikawa, Akishiro Sunagawa)
• 19:50~ close

06:07 13 Jan , 2025