Mozukusu – mozuku seaweed in vinegar



To serve 4

  • 50g mozuku seaweed
  • 10g dried daikon, (切り干し大根 kiriboshidaikon)
  • One cucumber sliced into discs.
  • 3 tbs rice vinegar
  • 3 tbs soy sauce
  • 3 tsp mirin
  • 1 1/2 tbs sugar

Salted, non-flavored mozuku is usually sold in the fish shelf section of supermarkets. It’s usually sold on white trays or in plastic bags.


  1. Wash mozuku in fresh water. Soak it and dried daikon in water for 30 minutes.
  2. Drain the water and chop the mozuku and daikon into easy to eat length.
  3. Slice the cucumber.
  4. Place the mozuku, daikon and cucumber slices in a bowl and add rice vinegar, soy sauce, mirin and sugar. Mix well.
  5. Dish up in small bowls.


Facebook: Tel: 098-955-5311 Address: 862-1 Namihira, Yomitan Village, Okinawa 904-0322 Closed on Sunday.


17:31 12 Feb , 2025