Shima hot pepper ahijo





Shima peppers - togarashi - are sold at all grocery stores and supermarkets.

Shima peppers – togarashi – are sold at all grocery stores and supermarkets.

・1 Shima hot pepper (togarashi)

・6 shrimps

・6 mushrooms

・1/3 shimeji mushroom

・6 of broccoli florets

・1/2 cup olive oil

・1tbs garlic paste

・1/2 tbs chicken broth powder

・Salt to taste



1.Wash the shrimps gently and drain using a paper towel.

2.Cut broccoli florets off the head and boil about 2 to 3 minutes.

3.Pour olive oil in a small pan, add garlic paste and hot pepper and bring to heat.

4.When you can smell the aroma, add the rest of the ingredients and chicken broth powder, and turn the heat low.

5.When all ingredients are soft, add salt to taste.

Shima hot pepper is very spicy. Crushing the pepper makes the meal spicier. You can also adjust the spiciness by the number of peppers used.


19:55 23 Jan , 2025