All-electric houses to get 10% cut in power bills

The Okinawa Electric Power Company announced Friday that it’s revising the pricing plan for all-electric houses from April 1st.

Currently, there are three different pricing plans for all-electric houses. “Ee Home Holiday” is offered to families who use less electric power on weekdays; “Ee Home Flat” is for family who use more electric power during the day; and “Ee Business” is for businesses. With the new pricing, all of the plans will be reduced 10%.

The discount is the result of a change in the pricing system based on the ongoing “Ee Life” plan. The price will be set lower for holidays and Saturdays from 7 to 10 a.m. and 5 to 11 p.m. With the flat plan, the price of electric power during the day is consolidated for all days. The business plan will be the same.

The number of all-electric houses exceeded 40,000 as of January, and they comprise about 5% of all households in Okinawa. It costs about ¥600,000 – ¥800,000 in the initial investment that includes installing an electric water heater and other electric appliances. However it’s possible to reduce the power charges considerably by using electricity during midnight and utilizing other available discounts.


19:38 10 Feb , 2025