Pictures of before and during Battle of Okinawa available

Okinawa Prefectural Archives has started operating a new system that allows public to browse 3,811 high-definition pictures of Okinawa taken by the U.S. military before and during the battle of Okinawa. The call the public to make use of the pictures to see the old towns and streets before WWII and the construction of American military bases after the battle.

During the battle of Okinawa, the U.S. military aircraft flew over Okinawa main and remote islands and took pictures. The pictures prepared for browsing include photos of Okinawa Main Island, Ishigaki, Miyako and Amami Islands, and surrounding smaller remote islands.

With the new system, visitors can conduct a search using area names and keywords, and it is easy to find a specific spot. Printing the photos is available for a charge. Those who bring a laptop with a DVD drive, can upload the data for free.

10:37 27 Jul , 2024