Sex with juvenile nets police officer dishonorable discharge

The Okinawa Police Inspection Department has punished a police officer stationed at Itoman City Police Station with a dishonorable discharge for having sex with an underage girl.

The department decided to dismiss 26-year-old police officer Rikito Shimoji, Wednesday after he was arrested and prosecuted for violating the child prostitution law and the Prefectural Ordinance of Juvenile Protection. Shimoji is the 5th officer of Itoman Police Station given dishonorable discharge this year.

The department investigators also revealed that they prosecuted him again on June 21 for violating the Prefectural Ordinance of Juvenile Protection. Shimoji is suspected of having sexual relationship in February with a 17-year-old high school girl in a hotel in Okinawa City.

Reportedly, Shimoji is being prosecuted for three separate similar offenses, and is now out on bail.

The chief inspector of the Okinawa Police Inspection Department released a statement saying, “We would like to apologize to the victims and local residents of Okinawa. I will thoroughly review these cases, and reinforce guidance to all staff to prevent reoccurrence.”


11:03 27 Jul , 2024