Video of boy entering convenience store freezer found uploaded

A video of a boy entering and exiting an ice cream freezer in a convenience store in Itoman, was found uploaded on the Internet Wednesday evening. The convenience store filed a damage report with Itoman Police Thursday.

The video shows a boy throwing his clothes into the freezer, and another boy then going into the freezer for about 20 seconds. The convenience store cleaned the freezer and disposed all ice cream in it.

In 2013, a boy who did similar pranks in a supermarket in Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture, was sent to the public prosecutor’s office.

Yusuke Takara, a lawyer with Okinawa Bar Association, says, “This kind of pranks must be prohibited. The person in the video, the shooter of the video, or their parents or guardian would be liable for damages. I would like to remind that persons who causes harm or damage to others will be prosecuted in the court of law.”


10:37 27 Jul , 2024