Yomitan Lantern Festival starts with free workshop
Murasaki Mura in Yomitan will organize lantern making workshops before the “Yomitan Yoakari Project”, a lantern festival for public to enjoy the light of lanterns in Yomitan Village, begins in December.
Lanterns made at the workshop will be displayed at the Ryukyu Lantern Festival that will start on Dec. 2nd. There will also be a contest for the lanterns.
Applications t the workshop and contest are accepted through Nov. 26th. The workshop takes place on Nov. 2, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at a conference room in Murasaki Mura. Participation to the workshop is free, and the materials are prepared.
For details, please contact Yomitan Village Tourist Association at 098-958-6494.