Civil servant arrested for sex with minor

Ginowan Police arrested 64-year-old Toru Akachi, the chief engineer at the Prefectural Agriculture Research Center, Monday, on suspicion of “indecent act” with a 16-year-old female high school student on Sep. 24 in a hotel in Naha, while knowing that she was under age.

According to Police, Akachi acquainted with the high school student via an online dating website, and contacted her on the social networking site “LINE”. Akachi reportedly, denies the charges, but admits that he paid the girl for the act.

The Police has given guidance to the girl who allegedly typed an improper message on the online dating website at the end of September. Police found out about the incident when conducting another investigation.

According to Prefectural Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Department, Akachi retired at the end of March 2014, and was rehired as the chief engineer in April 2014.


10:10 27 Jul , 2024