OkiEvents this Week!!

・5/20~21 Nanmin Festival @ Naminoue Shrine and Kumoji in Naha Sat. 13:00~18:00, Sun. 10:00~18:00 Free to enter


PIN: https://goo.gl/maps/zvw5ZH1yZpDYCrrc8?coh=178573&entry=tt

・5/3~5/31 Nakagusuku Castle Investigation Report Exhibition @ Gosamaru History Library in Nakagusuku Village 10:00~17:00 (Closed Tuesday) Free to enter


PIN: https://goo.gl/maps/NJpJp4QoT1EQ97Df9?coh=178573&entry=tt

・5/16~5/22 RYUBO KIMONO EXPO @ 6th Floor of the Ryubo Department Store in Kumoji, Naha city 10:00~20:00 (Until 17:00 on 22nd) Free to enter


PIN: https://goo.gl/maps/ag36ujXh6rLeircX7?coh=178573&entry=tt

・5/21 Ginoza Marche @ The Road Station Ginoza in Ginoza Village 10:00~16:00 Free to enter


PIN: https://goo.gl/maps/PyU3z3AZjLTyRFwh7?coh=178573&entry=tt

14:31 27 Jul , 2024