Pick Up Stories

Pro-Baseball Spring Training 2025 [Family Sports]
Okinawa is the southernmost prefecture in Japan, and that means it’s the warmest place in the country in the wintertime. Because of that, ma...Read More

The ‘Ritou Fair’ puts Focus on the Outer… [CURRENT ISSUE Shopping]
A three-day annual fair called the ‘Ritou Fair’ opens Friday, November 15th at the Okinawa Cellular Stadium Naha at Onoyama Park in Naha Cit...Read More

October 17th, Okinawa Soba Day [CULTURE ENTERTAINMENT Gourmet LIFE]
A bowl of soba is to Okinawa what a hamburger is to America. Here on the island you can see Okinawa soba signs everywhere. It has become ent...Read More

Koza Craft Beer Festa on tap on Sunday at Music Town [Gourmet]
Craft beers, or beers brewed in small local breweries in small quantities have a rather short history in Japan. The market for craft beers was opened only in 1994 when the law was ...

Madara no nitsuke – Simmered cod in sweet soy sauce [Cooking Recipe]
For my English husband, if we have cod, he might say we should have ‘fish and chips’ but my choice would be nitsuke. I like fish and chips but I must say this is a much healthier o...

Time for new start for sustainable future [Nature & Environment]
By Eduard Heinrich-Sanchez After a short sabbatical, I am back with the new year. The Lunar New Year will ring in on Feb. 9, 2016, ushering in the “Year of the Monkey”....

Anko Dango – Red bean paste with rice cake [Cooking Recipe]
I love Japanese deserts made with rice cake. I also love making them because they are so easy to make. This time my two-year-old daughter helped me making balls and we had a really...

Classic Sports Car Rally through Okinawa 2016 [Technology]
About 50 classic sports cars are scheduled to take part in a rally this weekend on a two-day tour that takes off and ends both days from Laguna Garden Hotel in Ginowan. The Saturda...

OIST hosts nature photo exhibition [Nature & Environment]
A photo exhibition titled “Nature Therapy” featuring pictures of underwater creatures and hermit crabs living in their adopted homes of beach trash. The exhibition will be held at ...

Aimee Machiels dedicates her life to dance [Living]
Aimee (Machiels) who on stage uses only her first name, is a belly dancer born in Hawaii. Her great-grandfather was Yuko Majikina, a renown choreographer and performer of Okinawan ...

Kuubuirichi – Braised kelp and pork [Cooking Recipe]
In Japanese and Okinawan cooking, kelp is a very important ingredient. This is because we use it to make dashi (broth) and also in many different dishes. In the far north of Japan,...

Babies are focus of AsMama Parents and Baby Fair [Family]
Babies are the future of any nation, and the tots are the focus of the AsMama Parents and Babies Fair at San-A Ginowan Convention City departments store on Sunday, Jan. 17th. AsMam...

Scents, organic products on display and sale at Convention Center event [Health & Beauty]
The 1st Okinawa Health and Beauty Aroma Fair is scheduled for the Conference Building A in Ginowan Convention Center on Sunday, Jan. 17th. The event runs from 11:00 to 18:00 and ad...

Daikon to toriniku-no nimono – Braised daikon radish and chicken [Cooking Recipe]
Happy New Year everyone! I hope everybody had a great Christmas and New Year accompanied with great food. After New Year, I always find I ate too much and fancy light dishes, so th...

‘Happy Maririn Sunday’ craft fair in Ginowan this Sunday [Living]
A craft fair at Ginowan Marine Support Center in front of JA Yui Marche in Ginowan is scheduled to take place rain-or-shine this Sunday. About 100 vendors are scheduled to particip...

Bridge maintenance could jam traffic on Expressway [Living]
NEXCO, the company operating the Okinawa Expressway announces that it’s doing maintenance and repair work on two bridges, one between Yaka and Kin and the other between Ginoza and ...

Humpback whales are back in their annual playground [Nature & Environment]
As surely as winter follows fall, humpback whales make their annual migration to waters off Okinawa and Kerama Islands creating an excellent chance for people to watch the giant ma...

Okinawa to welcome first sunrise of 2016 at 7:17 a.m. [Nature & Environment]
Hatsumode on the New Year is a very popular custom with strong ties to Japan’s Buddhist and Shinto traditions, but since ancient times, the first sunrise of the year has had a spec...

Hatsumode truly rings in New Year for most in Japan [Living]
Hatsumode Japanese traditional New Year event, in which folks visit a shrine or temple for the first time right after the new year begins, which means a Friday midnight night visit...

Kites to fill skies at Bios Park during New Year holidays [Family]
Japanese people have had an on-going love affair with kites ever since Buddhist missionaries introduced them to Japan sometime during the seventh or eight century. Although the Jap...

Zōni – Broth with rice cake for New Year [Cooking Recipe]
Zōni is a soup Japanese people eat at New Year. The main thing in the soup is mochi, rice cake, and typically it also includes vegetables such as daikon radish, shiitake mushrooms ...

Gurukuma no Nanban-zuke – Marinated Indian mackerel, Nanban-style [Cooking Recipe]
I went to Toya port in Yomitan the other day and bought a few Indian mackerels. There are so many ways to cook fish but Nanban-style is one of my favorites. This time I used Guruku...

Maguro to Daikon no Nimono – Braised tuna and daikon radish [Cooking Recipe]
Nimono is one of the most popular daily dishes among Japanese people. “Nimono” means “braised something”. It could be vegetables, fish, meat or a combination of them. The reason ni...